Osona will lead a cross-border agri-food project between Catalonia and France

Creacció obtains European funding within the framework of the POCTEFA program.

On November 30th, the POCTEFA territorial cooperation operational program approved 83 of the 113 applications submitted to receive 92.8 million euros from the ERDF fund for the cross-border territory. 61.4% of the approved projects have Catalan participation and will receive 18.4% of the total structural funds allocated to the call.

What is POCTEFA?

POCTEFA is a European territorial cooperation program between Spain, France and Andorra, created to promote sustainable development and strengthen the economic and social integration of the area by financing projects managed by local agents.

Creacció has been the only local administration to obtain funding in the Province of Barcelona, obtaining 1.15 million euros for the PROXTERRA project, which is part of the “creating a space of knowledge and innovation” priority.

Apart from this, POCTEFA has set 4 more priorities for the projects: protecting and consolidating ecological values, facilitating access to employment, quality training and construction of an inclusive socially integrated space and the promotion of sustainable tourism and culture.


The PROXTERRA project, led by Creacció, aims to strengthen sustainable and local growth and the competitiveness of agri-food SMEs.

He plans to do it in three phases:

  1. Promote innovative solutions for the sustainable production of agri-food products, including packaging solutions. To put these innovations into practice, training and advice by experts is planned.
  2. Promote a new cross-border model of polycentric distribution favouring local consumption and sustainability based on digital tools, with the aim of creating a network of logistics micro-platforms throughout the territory.
  3. Foster demand for sustainable and local products encompassing different channels: end consumers, restaurant and tourism professionals, and public and para-public entities. Promote activities to contribute to policy change at local and regional level, as well as ensure the sustainability of actions after the project.

Territories of action

The project tackles the whole Catalan territory and the French regions of Ariège and Pyrénées Orientales with the support of the following partners:

  1. Creacció, Agència d’Emprenedoria, Innovació i Coneixement, SL 
  2. Fundació Universitària Balmes – (CT BETA)
  3. Promotora d’Exportacions Catalanes SA (PRODECA) 
  4. Chambre de commerce et d’industrie Occitanie Midi-Pyrénées 
  5. Chambre de commerce et d’industrie des Pyrénées-Orientales 
  6. Chambre d’agricultura de l’Ariège 
  7. Chambre d’agricultura des Pyrénées-Orientales 
  8. Universite de Pau Et Des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) 

Consult the final resolution of the 1st POCTEFA 2021-2027 call

Consult the Catalan participation in the Interreg POCTEFA 2021-2027

15 de desembre de 2023